Original design - Dystopian Alien Gangster
Hi All,
This is my entry for the creature painting contest. it has two parts, the first is a scratch built personal hovercraft scratch built from styrene and old model kit parts. This was painted using tamiya acrylics and i also used a number of weathering techniques to give a real used feel. The creature is intended to be a small alien who uses the hover craft to float around at eye level, he has a bad case of "Small Alien" syndrome. the piece is sculpted in 1:1 scale using chavant NSP medium painted in acrylics directly onto the chavant using a variety of techniques, tube acrylic base coating, different opaque and transparent colors airbrushed on. spattering and dry brushing. Instagram @andrew_pugh_art

Thanks for checking out and good luck to all!!!
This is my entry for the creature painting contest. it has two parts, the first is a scratch built personal hovercraft scratch built from styrene and old model kit parts. This was painted using tamiya acrylics and i also used a number of weathering techniques to give a real used feel. The creature is intended to be a small alien who uses the hover craft to float around at eye level, he has a bad case of "Small Alien" syndrome. the piece is sculpted in 1:1 scale using chavant NSP medium painted in acrylics directly onto the chavant using a variety of techniques, tube acrylic base coating, different opaque and transparent colors airbrushed on. spattering and dry brushing. Instagram @andrew_pugh_art

Thanks for checking out and good luck to all!!!
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