Drag flavour clown

Hello there !
First, I do apologize for my dramatic english.
Here, is my first SFX make up that I created with a plaster mould of my head and the brain texture with expansive foam and glue for joints of floor tile. The all thing is attached on the face with a false skull bone of aluminium, wood and plaster, itself attached to a bathing cap that I wore above a wig cap. I ended it with a recovering of latex.
For the paintjob I used paint, false blood AND my secret cheap trick : a sticky paste I'm using to fishing (called "mystic" paste un France). For the "flesh effet" I glue (with varnish one) red wool on latex and repaint in dark red a little bit.
So, thanks to my mom for her forks and in hoping you'll enjoy it, a huge kiss from a french fan,
Coquelet Alizée