Bleeding Pentagram

Hello everyone! I am completely brand new to the community, and special effects, in general. I hope I am asking this question in the correct forum (makeup effects). Ever since 1987 I have been obsessed with finding out how to replicate the spontaneously bleeding pentagram in the palm of the hand, that was popularized by the Fox television series "Werewolf". I wouldn't even know where to begin on how to do this. It was placed on the actors hand and would start to bleed on it's own. A cool effect that I would love to be able to replicate at home. Any help or advice would very greatly appreciated. Thank you for looking.

For an effect like this you would have an appliance that covers the palm of the actors's hand, including down past the wrist. The appliance would help conceal flat tubing that supplies blood to the areas you want to bleed. In the example provided the tubing likely runs down the wrist and into the actor's sleeve.