Some monsterism submitted for your approval
Hi! I saw the contest and thought I'd share some of my work. I didn't see if there were and limitations on how many pics or vids you can share, so I apologize if I broke the rules. In any case, here's some of my work.
I call this one Oppenheimer's children. It's a mixed media piece, using epoxisculpt, smoothcast 300 resin castings, and a bit of latex. I was reading a lot about chernobyl and atomic testing while I was doing this. It's shape is vaguely meant to represent a splitting atom.

The next piece I call Specimen #1. It's an animatronic display, cobbled together from 3D printed parts,servos, silicone, and a discarded halloween skeleton. It's a robot that responds to sources of light and shadow. It's brain is an arduino. Here are a few pics and videos.
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Here's a concept I did a few years back in Zbrush I call "Husk". It's taken a while but I've grown a lot more comfortable with digital sculpting. It's become one of my favorite tools.

Thanks for looking and I hope you like my work. If you would like to see more, please check out my site below:
Thanks again 

Shawn Collins