Problem with WED Clay: big cracks
in Sculpture
Hi everyone,
When i use WED Clay, i got always surprises... and it is not good suprises.
I would like to know how can i sculpt without having cracks when the sculpture is drying.
When my sculptures are drying, i got always cracks. I don't know why.
Because the clay is too wet or too dry at the start? Is it drying too much quickly?
I sculpt in my cave. So the room is not very hot.
Here is an example. I try to sculpt Skeletor.
I have used a kind of head foam (like that : link) and put the WED clay on it. Like the Anubis tutorial.

When i use WED Clay, i got always surprises... and it is not good suprises.
I would like to know how can i sculpt without having cracks when the sculpture is drying.
When my sculptures are drying, i got always cracks. I don't know why.
Because the clay is too wet or too dry at the start? Is it drying too much quickly?
I sculpt in my cave. So the room is not very hot.
Here is an example. I try to sculpt Skeletor.
I have used a kind of head foam (like that : link) and put the WED clay on it. Like the Anubis tutorial.

This problem is common with water based clays when they are allowed to dry out. If you are going to leave the sculpture over night, or even for a few hours, it is best to place damp paper towels over the surface of the entire sculpt and then cover the sculpt in a plastic garbage bag to help contain the moisture. If the sculpt needs to sit for days/weeks just make sure you check in on it every day or two and replace the paper towels with new damp ones or mist a bit of water on them. How often you need to do this depends on temperature and humidity.
The clay being thin can also produce cracking, so thinner areas will need a bit more attention as they will dry out faster.