Which glue is best for making realistic eyes?
in Props
I have some chabochons and eye printings, and now the last step is glueing it together. so I would like to know which glue is best for it. I have heard of epoxy but its very toxic, would this maybe also work with a special mod podge product like the gloss version?
Best Answer
Chris Ellerby Admin
It should, it just depends on your actual application and the type of UV resin you have. It's worth giving it a test!
Epoxy is likely your best bet. From a safety perspective epoxy is easy not too big a concern.
When working with any material it is always a good idea to read the MSDS (Material Safety Data Sheet)
Here is a sample for a common epoxy found in most hardware stores:
Personal Protective Equipment: Protective clothing. Safety glasses. Gloves. Insufficient ventilation: wear respiratory protection.
Also make sure what ever epoxy you get cures fully clear. Some will yellow more than others.
If you want to see if a material like mod podge would work my suggestion is always to do a small test and see how it turns out.