How do you make compression and weight on a clay sculpture
I didn't get this creating weight and compression on wrinkles and other parts of the sculpture exactly.How does this work exactly? You sculpt more on the top side down the wrinkle not inverse for the weight? I would sculpt with monster clay.
Best Answer
Chris Ellerby Admin
It's about replicating the effects of gravity on the skin, so you have to imagine how thin forms are pulled downward and start to sag. The top edges will be tighter, as the form is pulled down causing them to stretch, and the bottom edges will be more rounded. That said, the structure of wrinkles can change based on the type of wrinkle and the type of skin. I highly suggest looking at references when sculpting forms like this.
One great reference book one of our instructors recommended (sadly I forget who) is "Close Up" by the photographer Martin Schoeller. It has amazing close up photos of human faces from a wide variety of cultures, ages, lifestyles, etc. Beautiful reference material.