Gelatin appliances with Rob Burman? Yes please!

A new on-demand webcourse on prosthetic makeup basics has just been released, and the instructor is none other than effects makeup master Rob Burman! I'm a big fan of his work, and his effects supply company Burman Industries.

I'm looking forward to sitting down and watching this series.
Who here has played with gelatin makeup and appliances?

I'm looking forward to sitting down and watching this series.
Who here has played with gelatin makeup and appliances?
One possibility would be to do a trial foam rubber skins and then check.. if necessary doing multiple runs again.
Of course that would be expensive.... for a small or hobby shop.
So I used Gelatin. It work fantastically. I could see the thickness of the skin. Measure it accurately with a probe. Peel it away to modify the inner form. And then just melt it down and repour.
Non-contamination is one re Silicone and Latex. Warm water and soap removes it.
Low Temp work - you don't have to get it too hot to melt. Plus you can vary the pouring viscosity by heating it more..
Easy Preparation - For a couple of dollars you can make gallons of it. Just keep it in the fridge. Also any small microwave will warm it up.
Density - depending on the formula you can make it soft.. or almost rock hard depending on need.
I've put a few friend onto this and they are having great success.
If any of you are making gelatin pieces, please share them here! I really want to see what everyone can do. (I'm looking at you Kaoime!)
I was going for a rotting infection.
Here's the appliance:!Foamed Gelatin Appliance/zoom/c13yl/image_1mse
Here's the painted application:!Rotting Infection/zoom/c13yl/image_1xvm
/Chris!Face Rip/zoom/c13yl/image_ml9