1800 Victorian's Mummy: A Dark History

Hello everyone, 

My name is Elodie, i am french so if my english is not right : " i'm sorry!"
I presented you my first work with platsil gel 10, there are 2 years ago, during my makeup school in Paris.
Our teacher gave us the zombie theme, but I wanted to be more original than just the zombie, 
so I worked on a mummified appearance. The skin colors are not what i wanted but but we passed our exam in a bar, with a dim light ( yes i know, its strange but true) but i like this first piece
I’ve made the wig ( it was an old wig with short hair, i sewed of hair weft; i created the dress and the flower crown.
I sculpted with Chavant, the prothestic is a platsil gel 10 with a blue pigment and i used stacolor palette.


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