Eye mechanism

Hi all,
I've been a member for some time, but somehow only just noticed the forum.
I'd like to present you my eye mechanism, which I designed and printed just weeks before the tutorial came out.
Te files can be found on Thingiverse: http://www.thingiverse.com/thing:172505

I'm currently working on a new design, which will be scaled down, to be more human-like.
I've been a member for some time, but somehow only just noticed the forum.
I'd like to present you my eye mechanism, which I designed and printed just weeks before the tutorial came out.
Te files can be found on Thingiverse: http://www.thingiverse.com/thing:172505

I'm currently working on a new design, which will be scaled down, to be more human-like.

Great design. I'm thinking of 3d printing an eye mech for an animatronic project I'm working on, but the head (which has the eyes tilted slightly outward makes normal front facing designs a bit problematic.
I actually ran into your design a few months ago while browsing Thingiverse and really liked it. What filament do you suggest for it? (ABS/PLA/Nylon)
My new design could be adapted to be used in a design as you mentioned, as each eye has it's own set of mechanics.
I use mostly PLA, as I find it prints easier (less warping). ABS and Nylon should be stronger, but I haven't had any problems with the printed parts failing up untill now.
One advantage of ABS, at least for the eyeballs, would be that you could finish them using acetone vapor.
I may have to modify it to work with some different servos, as I've been toying with grabbing some new ones for my project. At one point I was looking into these: http://www.servodatabase.com/servo/hitec/hsg-5084mg which have a good speed to power ratio.
Sadly, no. Too busy with other things. But I'll get to it! (eventually)...