Looking for Predator backpack reference video and picture media
in Animatronics
I have scoured this site, the internet, youtube, and comic books. Outside of inspired NECA figures there is not a whole lot of footage or pictures relating to the backpack design, and functionality out there. This presents a problem if one is trying to create a movie accurate pack. The motion components are as equally perplexing as you need a fair amount of motion references so one can create the working cannon and have it move in a movie like motion sequence.
I have a predator 1 cannon animatronic setup that works, but I am sorting through a hardware response issue due to processing limitations. As I sort through issues on the build I am trying to always get things to be more movie accurate.
I have a predator 1 cannon animatronic setup that works, but I am sorting through a hardware response issue due to processing limitations. As I sort through issues on the build I am trying to always get things to be more movie accurate.
predator 2018 weapons masks armor adi
AVP day in life of scar filming avp adi bts
PREDATOR Sculpting The Fugitive Predator ADI BTS
PREDATOR 2018 Designing the Predator's Menagerie ADI BTS
AVP Filming Predators In Temple ADI BTS
Predators Engineers & Aliens - COMPLETE Timeline
ALS Ice Bucket Challenge Alec Gillis
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ALIEN 4 Chestbursters & Victim Death Tests ALIEN RESURRECTION BTS
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AvPR Wolf Predator Maquette Collectible Part 1
AVP Full Scale DIsplay Room
AVPR Predator Invades ADI
AVPR Animatronic Wolf Predator Head ALIENS VS PREDATOR REQUIEM
AVP Animatronic Shoulder Cannon Tests
AVP Facehugger Mechanics Tests ADI
ALIEN 3 Dressing the Whippet ADI BTS
predator backpack
Animatronic Predator AVP cannon
Monsterpalooza 2013 - 3 Fun Days of Horror + Predator Suit w/ Jill Kill
AVPR To Dress A Predator BTS --- got this guy's autograph last weekend
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Looks like you've put a lot of work into searching down that reference, we've all been there! One place that might help is the Replica Prop Forum, since I know a few folks over there that have built multiple versions of the Predator. I also suggest following (and possibly reaching out to) @AliensFX on instagram as they post a lot of Predator builds and could be resource for reference material.
The above videos have so far been the best resource I have found to date.
Many are finding that sites like photobucket and myspace disappear after a decade or so and there has been a bigger push to store all related pictures and information on the respective site directly. Unfortunately when sites disappear so does the content so it has been a constant struggle. Who keeps a good catalog of photos from 10 or 15 years ago that can be easily found again? Throw in the fact that many get out of a particular costuming setup after 3 years or so on average as it gets old or life changes and many times they disappear off of a given forum or site.
Now throw in the fact that reel based media under ideal conditions is only rated to be good for a decade or three and we are now seeing all of the studies digitize their entire collection of videos. There are literally thousands of videos getting digitized and put online every week. And with space as cheap as it is this is happening more and more. And this needs to happen so the community can see things before the original creators disappear from the professions and from public memory.
Data is cheap and easy now, but finding the needle in the haystack. That takes some work to find sometimes.
Factor in I have about 4 years of development on my current costume and I keep getting it more and more accurate. The problem I have now is that the motion components are getting to the point where the rest of the suit needs to be super accurate.