Polyfoam lined latex?

Hi. In the video, Tim said he lined the inside of the latex mask with polyfoam. Is that just a general polyfoam he used? How do you line the inside without filling it completely?


  • Hi Chris,

    Any polyfoam will work, just as long as you select a density that works for your desired application.  Denser foams will be heavier and less flexible.

    There are 2 main ways to line the inside of a mask with polyfoam.  The easiest way is to brush the foam along the inside surfaces of the mask evenly.  As the foam expands inward it will leave a hollow core.  You can do this in small batches to get the desired thickness if a single brushed on coat is not thick enough for you.  Different foams have different expansion amounts, so your mileage may vary. 

    The other way is to suspend a core inside the mask and pour polyfoam around it.  This is a bit more complex, mainly because it requires some type of core.  It's also a good idea to put a lot of release agent on your core so the foam does not bond to it, and to help make it easier to remove.

    I would go for the brush on method.  It's similar to rotocasting/slush casting, just with foam.

    Hope that helps!

  • I know it's a longshot replying to an old post, but should I brush in the polyfoam while it is still in the mold, or should I pull it from the mold first. In the video, Tim has brushed it in while still in the mold, and that seems to make sense so shapes won't distend. Just wanted to check. Thanks. 
  • It's best to keep it in the mold so as the foam expands it does not distort things.

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