Experiment#247 and Gummy
Project I always wanted to try, mixing 3d (where I come from) and step away from the computer and learn new skills along the way.
3d sculpted in zbrush, printed with a form2, cast and reworked in monsterclay and finally cast in latex then painted and hair punched.
First: the final result
wearing it at monsterpalooza 2019 for the first time, so much fun !
Lengthy post incoming with some WIP

and some wip shots

Hollowing the model for the print and prep

then it was a matter of stitching everything together

Print cleaned up and ready for the first sleeve mold so i can run a monsterclay version

model reworked, seems are fixed and ready for the final stone mold

Plaster mold done and first latex cast pulled

Thanks for watching !
3d sculpted in zbrush, printed with a form2, cast and reworked in monsterclay and finally cast in latex then painted and hair punched.
First: the final result
wearing it at monsterpalooza 2019 for the first time, so much fun !
Lengthy post incoming with some WIP

and some wip shots

Hollowing the model for the print and prep

then it was a matter of stitching everything together

Print cleaned up and ready for the first sleeve mold so i can run a monsterclay version

model reworked, seems are fixed and ready for the final stone mold

Plaster mold done and first latex cast pulled

Thanks for watching !