molding - WIP
Hi all,
I am not sure if molding should be a second discussion in this; if not I can post it to the existing thread.
Here are the molds I ran for the prosthetics. They came out OK, although I have some problem areas that I hope do not affect the castings. I should have spent a few extra dollars on larger acrylic sheets as I don't think I have the ideal amount of lip on my outer mold to draw the scraper across the top. also, when I added the keys, I expected the silicone to settle to a glasslike surface (as the other layers did). It left some raised areas- although it seems to key in OK, it may not seat 100% in all areas.
I am not sure if molding should be a second discussion in this; if not I can post it to the existing thread.
Here are the molds I ran for the prosthetics. They came out OK, although I have some problem areas that I hope do not affect the castings. I should have spent a few extra dollars on larger acrylic sheets as I don't think I have the ideal amount of lip on my outer mold to draw the scraper across the top. also, when I added the keys, I expected the silicone to settle to a glasslike surface (as the other layers did). It left some raised areas- although it seems to key in OK, it may not seat 100% in all areas.

Regarding the clear silicone that had the saucerization, did you double cup when mixing? (pour the mixed silicone into another cup) If you just poured A into B, and scraped every gram out of the cup...then you might have just scraped some unmixed B. It happened to me and now I double cup when using clear silicone. I always try to pigment one component if I can to ensure proper mixing.