I've a shoot in a couple days and am currently going insane trying to replicate Hannah Baker's suicide scene from 13 reasons why. I've tried using scar wax, latex, rubber tubings, plastic tubings. nothing seems to work. does anyone have any tips or know how it was done?
Here's the scene if you wish to reference. Skip to 1:30
The tube providing the blade with blood is hidden by the performer's hand and runs up the inside (away from camera side) of her arm and likely exits out the back of her shirt.
When the wrist appears to gush blood that is actually being emitted by the fake razor. No appliances or makeup is used to pull this off, so it's very inexpensive and effective.
The key is timing and framing the shot.
For the blood delivery mechanism you can use a large syringe hooked up to rubber tubing from a hardware or pet supply store. Just make sure the tubing is full of blood up to about an inch from the blade, so once you start the gag the blood is ready to go.
If you want to go larger you can use pressurized systems like a fire extinguisher, deck sprayer, garden sprayer, etc.