Evil Ed from Evil Dead 2 (Home made)

I created a slip cast latex mask based off of the character Evil Ed from the movie Evil Dead 2 inspired by the makeup originally sculpted by Shannon Shea.

I created the full head sculpture out of WED Clay about 3 days before Halloween this took me about 5 hours.

Side View (Ignore the mess lol)

I then created a quick and dirty 2 part mold out of regular Plaster N Paris and extra clay.

Here is the finished 2 part mold, I then proceeded to clean out all the clay and look for any imperfections in the mold.

From there I watered down some molding latex and created a slush cast in both half of the molds I then closed the mold together and slush cast another layer of latex only tinted black after I let this drip and dry for a day I had a cast ready to Patch and Paint.

I painted the mask with acrylic paint mixed with latex and tried to follow the original paint job from the film. (I know my work space is messy.... its not my fault I promise )

I added more detail with paint and added a cheap Blonde Wig I got from Walgreens (attached with hot glue)

After I cut and styled the hair I added 5 minute epoxy to the eyes and mouth I did not take a picture of it so... sorry.

I cut eye holes added a old white bloody shirt and BOOM!!! Evil Ed .... Please let me know what you think!! Also please check out my Instagram: CarlosgomezFX