Handmade Fat Suit and Silicone Mask
I've wanted to make a fat suit and matching fat silicone mask for quite some time so, I pulled the trigger and put on the pounds! I watched the Stan Winston tutorials on making a fat suit and enlisted my wife's help on making the suit. I used a mixture of large and small foam pellets bladders with the padding to smooth everything out. For the mask, I used a silicone lifecast of my face as a base, sculpted the rest out of medium grade monster clay and made a two part ultra-cal mold to brush in the PlatSil Gel Silicone 0030. I layered in the skin tone/pigments with an airbrush to give it that extra vile and sweaty look 
As for the costume itself, I had it custom made to match the fat suit (I can't sew too well) and had a local bridal shop let it out even more...you should have seen their faces while I danced around the store to make sure it fit!

Final costume outside my custom build mausoleum!

Sketches and rough clay sculpt

planning out the fat suit bladders

Enlisting my wife to help create the fat suit

refining the sculpt

putting the final texture details on the sculpt before molding

layering the silicone pigments with my trusty iWata Eclipse

final test fit, close up on the details

another close up of the details on the layers and texture
Test fit of the fat suit, mask and partial costume:
Thanks and hope you enjoyed it!

As for the costume itself, I had it custom made to match the fat suit (I can't sew too well) and had a local bridal shop let it out even more...you should have seen their faces while I danced around the store to make sure it fit!

Final costume outside my custom build mausoleum!
Behind the pounds, the making of...

Sketches and rough clay sculpt

planning out the fat suit bladders

Enlisting my wife to help create the fat suit

refining the sculpt

putting the final texture details on the sculpt before molding

layering the silicone pigments with my trusty iWata Eclipse

final test fit, close up on the details

another close up of the details on the layers and texture
Test fit of the fat suit, mask and partial costume:
Thanks and hope you enjoyed it!