Buzz Lightyear

Created using Eva floor foam mats, contact adhesive, spandex and foam rolls, I give you Buzz Lightyear.
This costume was a lot of trial and error in the chest area. I wanted to get the proportions just right.

After construction, alot of white plasti dip was used to transform the foam. The green and purple was taped off and spray painted. Buttons were painted by hand.

Stickers are simply printed on label paper and attached.
I sewed the cowl myself from spandex, as well as the stomach tubing which is spandex with pockets to feed through foam tubes.

I am still trialing different objects to use for the dome. Due to the size of the chest, the dome needs to be 45 inch diameter.

I love this costume so much. Walking around and hearing kids scream in the middle of a crowd "IT'S BUZZ" is the best experience.