Cyborgy half mask- Focused *OC227*

in Sculpture
Heyho :-)
I want to share a personal project with you.
A few decades ago, i decided to make a half mask in a mutated humanoid- cyborgy style.
A few weeks off, a few hours on, over 7 months i kept the WED clay sculpture alive until i decided that it is finished
After i did a silicone/ plasterbandage mold, i realized, that there were some harsh asymmetries,... well,..
of course i did not have seen them while controlling the shapes before sealing

(Lesson learned- i will use "calipers"<--? (That double- mirrowed curvy metal armed thing to take measurements and distances) every time before i start doing the mold xD)
Here is the finished resin bust, over lifesized:

The idea was to make a silicone skin with a resin faceplate, but my silicone didnt cure well for a unknown reason.
And my 40$ workhorse airbrush started making funny things while doing the veining
. So i had to do more brush techniques.
At the end, it was a really great project for me and it did a lot of fun :-)
Thanks for looking :-)
I want to share a personal project with you.
A few decades ago, i decided to make a half mask in a mutated humanoid- cyborgy style.
A few weeks off, a few hours on, over 7 months i kept the WED clay sculpture alive until i decided that it is finished

After i did a silicone/ plasterbandage mold, i realized, that there were some harsh asymmetries,... well,..
of course i did not have seen them while controlling the shapes before sealing

(Lesson learned- i will use "calipers"<--? (That double- mirrowed curvy metal armed thing to take measurements and distances) every time before i start doing the mold xD)
Here is the finished resin bust, over lifesized:

The idea was to make a silicone skin with a resin faceplate, but my silicone didnt cure well for a unknown reason.
And my 40$ workhorse airbrush started making funny things while doing the veining

At the end, it was a really great project for me and it did a lot of fun :-)
Thanks for looking :-)
I love WED Clay,.. i think WED is able to be keep alive over,.. hmm maybe 1,5 years? Or longer?
A few sprays with water every 4-5 days, a damp cotton cloth layed over and plastic-bagged.
I think its important to let fresh air to it every 2 weeks for a few hours and take a new cloth, to prevent mold.
WED is great