Animated Witch Doctor

in Animatronics
Here's the newest character to be added to my Halloween display. He uses my Picaxe, stand alone, 3 axis skull controller to run the stereo audio, head and synced jaw movements and a Propeller Activity board to record and playback the routine for the 8 body servos.
He was featured on the cover of the October issue of Servo magazine and there is an article detailing the build.
I really dig the user-definable servo limit setting workflow and setup process you have on those boards, very well done!
I hope to make it out to one of the CalHaunts meetings here in LA eventually. I've run into folks from that group at ScareLA and the West Coast Haunters Convention and the meetings sound like a lot of fun.
Thanks for sharing the video, very inspiring!
I could bring my air mortar (a form of air cannon used in effects) if anyone is interested in seeing that. This one has been used for explosions (shooting fullers earth & foam chunks), gore (shooting blood and guts) and fireballs (shooting kerosine) That's me in the photo making an actress red.
How are you liking the ActoBotics parts? I just placed a huge ActoBotics order last week that should get here in a few days. Using them in one of my animatronics projects.
I really like the Actobotics parts. Lots of different design possibilities and easy to assemble. It's like an Erector set for adults!