Kayla Person The exorcist, Kanye West , saw makeup

My charecters are as followed! 
1. Regan from the exorcist 
2. Kanye West 
3. Jigsaw from the saw movie 

I am a 16 year old makeup special effects/makeup artist and doing makeup has been a passion of mine for over three years now. For the three makeup looks I did they all where very important to me not just because of the output of the makeup and my work... but because the exorcist makeup was while I was in the hospital and I overcame so much throughout that entire times do to severe breathing difficulties. The last picture of my “saw” character was done this past Halloween about the second week I came back from the hospital and I couldn’t go out for Halloween so I made my own fun by doing what I love which is makeup! The 1st picture of Kanye West I did when I finally got better and I got sent a makeup kit so I wanted to try realistic famous people makeup. For the 2nd photo exorcist makeup I used lates and other color products and fake blood to add realism and depth. For the saw makeup as you can see by my picture I sculpted a latex and cotton build up into a prosthetic pice which I then applied to my face. Finally for the Kanye West look I used a dark foundation and just countoured around using spirt gum to attach the fake hair. I hope if I don’t win that you enjoyed my makeup looks! Thank you 
Kayla person 
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