More eyes

This is my first attempt with the full sphere. a finished eye (with only one coat of gloss varnish) and side by side with it's in progress mate.


  • Very cool!

  • Thanks, Chris :)
  • Finally finished this eye's mate today. The shape and pupil placement isn't identical, but I noticed that many squid eyes (that I was using as research) were often different on one animal, so maybe it's a happy accident the first time around.

  • Getting eyes to look identical is extremely hard!  Though sometimes you luck out and they can't both be seen at the same time on a character.

  • Absolutely! After doing this I really see the importance of going back and forth between each one in the set. I think my main problem was doing one entire eye one day and coming back a week later to do the second. I like both of them, though. I need to do a sculpt with them, now :)
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