Brian mahoney character makeup entry
My name is Brian mahoney and i am a makeup artist in Orlando,Fl. Descriptions at the bottom of the photos. Thanks for taking a look, if you want to check out more, check out my stuff on instagram @brian.j.mahoney

photo1.. Hills have eyes inspired..application and paint only. Glazing gels and various illustrator pallets used. Foam latex piece, and dentures sculpted and cast by the model.
Photo2. Decomp body(out of kit).. Prepaint with glazing gels and illustrator fx pallet. Baldiez sheets over 3rd degree with ky to finish
Photo3.. alien take over(out of kit)... prepaint using skin illustrator buffy pallet with baldiez sheets stretched over. Inspired by the film The Honeymoon

Photo2. Decomp body(out of kit).. Prepaint with glazing gels and illustrator fx pallet. Baldiez sheets over 3rd degree with ky to finish
Photo3.. alien take over(out of kit)... prepaint using skin illustrator buffy pallet with baldiez sheets stretched over. Inspired by the film The Honeymoon
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