Where can I buy a mannequin for fabrication/sculpting?
in Fabrication
I am looking for a body form for my son to use for fabricating and sculpting on. He is only 12, so not sure if it is worth the effort to life cast his whole body but would like to find something sturdier and more realistic than a store mannequin.
Thanks for any suggestions you may have
Thanks for any suggestions you may have

I don't know of any full body forms as products, as usually those are made custom in fiberglass from life casts.
If you find a mannequin that is not strong enough, you might be able to back it with more fiberglass to strengthen it.
Another option would be to produce your own mannequin via life casting. Here is a lesson that covers that subject: https://www.stanwinstonschool.com/tutorials/how-to-body-cast-create-custom-mannequin-on-a-budget