
2017 Halloween Costume Contest-PREDATOR Costume

Hello all, sharing my Predator costume for the contest.

PREDATOR: Has about 400 hours put into it. All of the Armor including the Bio helmet is made of EVA foam and detailed with a soldering iron and a rotary tool for the hammered metal look (Lots of little holes were very time consuming). The feet were Nike shoes with upholstery foam glued to them and carved out. Then the foam was coated in latex rubber and airbrushed. All of the armor started with a black base paint after sealed and then silver dry-brush to give metal look. The hands were clay sculpted, plaster molded and made with latex rubber then airbrushed. Skirt was hand sewn from an old window drape and bodysuit was upholstery foam carved muscles coated in latex rubber and airbrushed. Bones were hand sculpted molded with smooth cast silicone and made with resin plastic then painted. most pieces were held on with webbing strap and buckles. The staff was made of PVC pipe wrapped in EVA foam, detailed and painted (it unscrews at the middle into two pieces for easy storing). 

Thank you for allowing me to enter the costume contest. (I also made the ALIEN costume, entered in a different discussion) 

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