@Cj Watson - If you have a YouTube email address different from the one you use to login to Stan Winston School, they'll have to add it to the Private video. You will not be able to re-watch the course unless your YOUTUBE email address is added to the private stream.
I was wondering.. Design Master spray on Faux fur. How well does it wear, How often can you wash it. I have some Cosplay fans that work in fur and this would be fantastic as it keeps the fur soft.
Outstanding Dyed Fleece Distributor- Puppet Pelts by Dewey Street- http://www.puppetpelts.com/
Design Master Floral Spray from Amazon- https://www.amazon.com/s/ref=nb_sb_noss_2?url=search-alias%3Darts-crafts&field-keywords=design+master
Design Master Floral Spray from Michaels- http://www.michaels.com/search?q=design%20master
Australia Distributor for Personna Blades: https://www.ebay.com.au/i/322028234917
Their ebay store: http://stores.ebay.com.au/The-Australian-Duster-Company?_rdc=1
Deluxe version as shown in class- https://www.flowbee.com/
I have some Cosplay fans that work in fur and this would be fantastic as it keeps the fur soft.