Building a "Full Size" (8 foot) Mech
in Animatronics
I've seen the Sagawa Electronics Suit and the one by Skeletronics and decided to start making my own on a relatively small budget: local Makerspace gave me $1000.
Build progress is here
Build progress is here

I need to build a winch arm for the stasis dock and complete the armor so I can try it on. Plus the compound lever for the shoulder mechanism is too weak to do much, so it needs to be totally rebuilt.
A time lapse of the armor setup:
Also took out the arm mechanism so I have a lighter (commercial?) armor variant that makes it easier for me to show off at conventions & stuff.
Really cool project. I like it *thumbup*
Soon I'll be testing how it handles with chest armor and thigh bits:
So a cardboard base w/ paper bag skin & latex paint coloring. Working on 3d model of the general base shape:
(Base shape on the left, original game model on the right)
I'm on my way to build something with a similar mechanism (unpowered suit), and I'd like to know about your arms light suit model :
I've seen that sometimes there is a difference between rotation scale of your bending and the mech arms bending. Is it because of the cables lenght ? Isn't it optimal ?
Thank for your answer !
Things are a little loose and need some adjustment, so I'm taking a break and will be tightening things up come the new year.
Mechanically identical (or nearly so), but the paneling made of fiberglass instead of aluminum flashing. Design has a bit of a greco roman feel referring to TALOS, the giant mechanical man who roamed around Crete protecting it from invaders.
Started work on the adjustments and tweaks w/ MARDUK, and most of them are 5 minute jobs after some... silliness with the legs (more on that later).
A sort of build video of an overhaul to the ankles:
Should be doing a full systems testrun (arms, movement, camera system) in the next few days.