How do you cover and stitch up the fingers? This is the only part I didn't find any videos on.
in Puppets
I'm trying to avoid hand stitching but that's what I will do if it's the only way. If hand stitching, do you cut the fabric exactly the same size as the foam pattern? Then glue both sides front and back and then hand stitch up the seams? Can I sew the fingers fabric portion with a sewing machine and then push the foam through like a glove? How much bigger should the pattern be for the fabric? In the videos his finger shapes were so nice and rounded and look so amazing. I just wish I could have seen him actually doing that specific part. I would prefer if the ends of the fingers are slightly bigger and rounded if that makes sense. I don't know if this information is important for this question but I'm trying to make a simpler version without the bones/wire part of the fingers and arms for my toddler. So those parts don't really factor into some of the puppets I'm planning on making but I'm also planning on doing the more professional versions. As I'm typing this I'm thinking the fingers probably do need to be hand stitched for this reason..... you need more seam allowance between fingers when sewing on a machine and because there is only so much space between the fingers your unable to get the proper seam allowance needed or you end up with larger spaces between fingers which can look weird if that's not what your going for. Do you have any ideas for a way around that? Basically hand stitching is one of the only things I don't have much patience for, most other things I can spend hours on without realizing. Am I correct in how you would attach the fleece if hand stitching? I tried attaching images but was unable. Please let me know if you think of any additional problems I may run into for how I'm trying to go about making this puppet? Thanks:)
You can also try looking up "how to make gloves" videos on YouTube that should cover the same basic process, and may offer some additional tips.