Wrong category
in General
Hi @Chris Ellerby, i added 2 new discussions and i see it's been added tot the Creature sculpting Contest, that wasn't suppose to happen. i already have 3 sculptures running.. When i hit the "edit" button i don't see were to correct it. could you tell me what i need to do?
Best Answers
Chris Ellerby Admin
I moved both those posts to the "Sculpture" category, and this one to "General"
We should be good now!
/Chris5 -
Chris Ellerby Admin
Sure thing! We love it when folks share their work with our community here, so we are more than happy to move some posts for you. We are also fine with people posting any kind of content in the General category, but having them in the sculpting category makes the content easer to find with searches.
No worries, it happens!
Only moderators can move discussions between categories. You can send me the links to the ones you want moved, and I can move them to the "General" category for you.
Its about these 2 links http://forums.stanwinstonschool.com/discussion/3050/the-monster-of-frankenstein-sculpture-made-with-supersculpey#latest
Kind regards
Could you correct this please @Chris Ellerby. my excuse for the inconvinience