Simple Blink/Eye closed detector

I wondered how simple it would be to detect when an eye was opened or closed so one could get an animatronic counterpart to do the same.
I found this little device
which is very simple to use.
It consist of a IR emitter and an IR detector. The IR output is very low so there is no concerns about eye damage. I put it close to the edge of one of my eyelids and as I closed my eye.. or blinked I could see a change in the voltage on the output. With fine tuning it should be possible to detect the degree of openess.. But atleast it can detect Open and Closed
I found this little device
which is very simple to use.
It consist of a IR emitter and an IR detector. The IR output is very low so there is no concerns about eye damage. I put it close to the edge of one of my eyelids and as I closed my eye.. or blinked I could see a change in the voltage on the output. With fine tuning it should be possible to detect the degree of openess.. But atleast it can detect Open and Closed

I have played around with OpenCV and SimpleCV. One project I am workiong on involves mapping dots around the mouth for real time lip syncing. a.k.a Avatar but for a LOT cheaper.
One can use the RPi but I have found that it's speed is a serious issue for more processor intensive applications. With the RPi I was getting about one frame a sec processing and that was using an intelligent webcam that pre proccessed and running at about 320x240 res.
Even the Beaglebone Black did not improve this by much. However I found this little powerhouse
It's a quad A15 which gives me the processing to do about 5+ frames per second. Plus the option to add other interfaces etc.
Very nice and small which makes it portable for self contained application.
Hope this helps