Traditional Matte Painting

I was wondering if there was a chance a tutorial on traditional matte painting on glass or masonite was ever suggested.  It would be neat to see, in depth how this can be done.  I'm not a big computer person so I thought it would be one of several effects I would like to try.  If not, are there any sources I could try, books sites, or videos?  Thanks.


  • Would be interested in this myself---did you ever get a response?

  • I can pass your suggestion along to the team.  My only concern would be that the art form of glass matte painting is rarely used now that digital compositing exists.  That said, having a good foundational knowledge of the history of in-camera effects is important.

  • Tom LucaTom Luca ✭✭✭
    Here's something you might find edifying?
  • Tom LucaTom Luca ✭✭✭

    Research this man, one of my all-time favorite Matte Painters in all of the history of Cinema. A real Renaissance Artist of Matte Painting.
  • Tom LucaTom Luca ✭✭✭
    Others to study. All are or were a #MasteroftheCraft especially Peter and his son Harrison. 
  • Tom LucaTom Luca ✭✭✭
    As for books? I suggest these...
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