Polyester Resin - Does it expire?
Hello Guys! Hey, I've got a question about Polyester resin! How long is it's shelf life? I'm asking because earlier today, I mixed up some polyester resin for a suit of pepakura armor that I'm working on, and the resin is still a honey-like consistency! And I added the hardener as instructed!
Post edited by Joseph Humpston on
Best Answer
Chris Ellerby Admin
Resins can go bad over time as they are exposed to air, moisture, or extreme temperatures. It's hard to say how long they can last, as that depends on environmental factors like humidity, temperature, etc. If the resin ever freezes it will not set properly.
Polyester resin is known for having a fairly long shelf life. I can last years if unopened and stored properly. Once the container is opened air (containing moisture) fills the empty space in the container, which can eventually lead to the resin going bad. Some folks use gases like nitrogen to displace any air before sealing the container back up after use.
If you thoroughly mixed the proper quantities and they never cure it's possible the resin has gone bad, or is somehow contaminated.
I'd try mixing up a smaller batch of the same resin and see if it cures, just to rule out contamination.