Painting Terminator
in Painting
Does anybody know where I can find the painting process for Terminator?
I'm wondering about the metallic effect for the metal pieces breaking through the skin and whether this was a paint job or an actual metal or alternative?
If it is a paint job, how can I achieve this glossy metal effect?
Thanks guys!!
I'm wondering about the metallic effect for the metal pieces breaking through the skin and whether this was a paint job or an actual metal or alternative?
If it is a paint job, how can I achieve this glossy metal effect?
Thanks guys!!
An example:
Check out this guy, Jaz Creations. He spent an obscene amount of time painstakingly transforming a foam Terminator T800 kit into cast aluminum and the result is incredible!
He has a complete build log on his Youtube channel. Be warned, it is mesmerizing and might cause you to lose a lot of hours lol.
Thanks so much (:
Thanks a lot!
Though it may crack if the piece you are painting needs to flex a lot. Building up rigidity with a few layers (or even some brush on epoxy) would help.
I'm thinking I may get away with it as I'm sculpting on top of the head where it wouldn't move so much.
I'll give it a go! Thank for your help,