Artists in/near Melbourne, Australia?
in Job Listings
Howdy folks,
My name is Ben Friedman, and I'm producing a big short film this summer in and around Melbourne, Australia based off my Golden Blaster-award winning screenplay. We've already successfully funded ourselves on Kickstarter, and are now looking for practical effects artists, puppeteers, fabricators, monster and magic makers in the area who might be ready to join our team!
For more information, check out our Kickstarter page:
If you want to get in touch, please email me at:
My name is Ben Friedman, and I'm producing a big short film this summer in and around Melbourne, Australia based off my Golden Blaster-award winning screenplay. We've already successfully funded ourselves on Kickstarter, and are now looking for practical effects artists, puppeteers, fabricators, monster and magic makers in the area who might be ready to join our team!
For more information, check out our Kickstarter page:
If you want to get in touch, please email me at: