Question about making a Foam Latex Oven
in General
Hi folks,
Just a quick question on homemade foam ovens. Would it be possible to use heating elements from toaster ovens in a foam oven build?
I ask as, for all the how to guides I've seen, none seem to discuss what electrical parts to use in the oven just "we installed the electrical parts in (insert time frame)"
Obviously would need a couple of fans to circulate the air inside, but any other pointers?
Just a quick question on homemade foam ovens. Would it be possible to use heating elements from toaster ovens in a foam oven build?
I ask as, for all the how to guides I've seen, none seem to discuss what electrical parts to use in the oven just "we installed the electrical parts in (insert time frame)"
Obviously would need a couple of fans to circulate the air inside, but any other pointers?
You can use anything from toaster ovens, electric ranges, or even heat guns to make a homemade foam oven.
Here are some quick tips: Keep it well insulated so the heat does not dissipate. Line the inside with reflective heat-resistant material so the heat bounces around, a fan to circulate the air is a big help, monitor the temperature with a thermometer to make sure you don't over cook or under cook your foam, when you first build it, check the temperature in a few locations to watch for hot/cold spots, always keep a fire extinguisher next to it, and never leave it unattended.
Also keep in mind that the size/distribution/number of molds you place in an oven can impact its performance.
Here's a quick video of a homemade build:
Here is another DIY example:
Foam running guide:
Best of luck!
But therefore i wanted to know what's wrong with regular home ovens.
Kitchen ovens are often too small to properly bake larger molds and allow air to flow around them evenly. They also typically operate at much higher temperatures than foam latex needs so dial markings may not be accurate or even display low enough temperatures for foam, which usually bakes around 160°F.
If you plan on running smaller parts and can find a kitchen oven that would fit your molds (and ideally have convection so the molds can heat evenly) then it would be an option.
Laboratory ovens can also be used if you don't wish to make an oven, though they can be a bit expensive depending on the size, model, and manufacturer.
While making your own oven does take time, you can customize it to your specific needs and the end cost is much lower than purchasing a kitchen or lab oven.
There are a few concerns about your suggestion. I assume by wallpaper stripper you mean a heat gun? Leaving any type of heated device unattended in a plastic container does not sound safer, and in fact, sounds rather risky.
In terms of cooking the foam in half the time, it can at times be desirable to intentionally bake foam slower. Precise control of time and heat can produce different results depending on your application, formula, and desired effect. I don't think that a heat gun would be providing precise control over the temperature.
Or could I bake it at a lower temp for a.lo get time?