Allosaurus Cake

A two and quarter layered chocolate cake, with chocolate Allosaurus skull bones embedded into the milk-chocolate crumb coat itself.  Then the entire cake was skinned and scaled in patterns of green, yellow-green, blue-green, light green, and pink (for the gums) modeling chocolates.  The crest-like ridges were accented with teardrop-shaped scales of red modeling chocolate as a display feature.  Black and yellow modeling chocolates were used for the eyes and for the feathers on the back of its neck, with a marbled blending of white, yellow and brown modeling chocolates for the quills.  Then, a couple of flower stalks and leaf clusters made of modeling chocolate were also added and formed a wreath-like collar around the back of its neck.  The finished cake measured approximately 17 inches in length, 5 inches at its widest point, and about 6 inches at the top of the ridge-like crests and quills.


  • Love the scales one those. Looks delicious!
  • That is one of the coolest things I've seen on here. Too bad it can't last forever!  :D 
  • Thank you both! :smile: 
  • edited May 2015
    It took almost 2 days of prep, between preparing multiple batches of modeling chocolate and baking the cake, and then nearly a full day to assemble and sculpt into the finalized Allosaurus bust pictured above!  It was a very worth while endeavor! 
    Post edited by Jared Mcgowan on
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