Root - Earth Healer / Protector - Entry 3

I usually begin my creatures without a complete concept -- I just gather some materials and start sculpting. I let the piece guide me and tell me its story. What emerges tend to be ancient creatures who act as protectors of nature and its beings. It's a challenging process, but very rewarding.

"Root" is indeed a protector! He was born from the earth and is pieced together through its fragments. He's a large, gentle soul who protects all who need protection.  In his belly he carries a tiny faerie. She is entwined in silk strands which help keep her warm and safe. 

Root was sculpted in apoxie sculpt, polymer clay, paper clay, and plaster cloth over real dried gourds. There are stones and crystal gemstones embedded throughout his body. The piece was finished with various fibers and paper, and painted with acrylics. The tiny faerie in it's belly is also sculpted in polymer..

I hope you like them. :)

Thank you so much for looking!

*Sprite* Hansen

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