
Skin Crawler - Creature Contest

2028 - The last antibiotics are now ineffective against even the most common infections.
2031 - All pesticides become obsolete.
2033 - The human race has no chemical means of fighting bacteria, parasites or viruses.
2035 - The ‘Take Back’ program is instigated, a trillion dollar global effort to combat the problem.
2049 - 1/3 of the human population of the world perishes from starvation or simple infections. Hospitals are closed.
2051 - The first fully bioengineered organism is developed at the BioCyberSys Laboratories in New Zealand. It’s purpose is to search out and destroy Staphylococcus bacteria infections in hospital patients.
2055 -  100 different bioengineered organisms have now been developed and released around the world. They are biological with a cybernetic command interface.

The public refers to these organisms as ‘Crawlers’

Skin Crawler - 'Dermis humanus'
Purpose - Search and destroy parasites that live on the human skin.

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