Werewolf Makeup - Short Film Shots

I've been working on this short film I titled "Lycan" since December. I wrote/shot/edited/starred in it and did all of the makeup and effects. I made everything, all of the prosthetics, cowl, effects, costume, EXCEPT for the nails those I just repainted. I'm currently having my friend do the music for it, one of my own songs will be at the ending credits. I'm excited to share it once it's completely finished. These are some still shots from it and some of the final werewolf makeup pics. Some of the effects I did include nails peeling off, nails growing, hair and ears growing, muscle contortions, 3 different sets of teeth (one of which is shown when pulling a tooth out), and a few very basic change-o heads (more like faces) to show face contortions. Thanks for looking!
