Wire Wrapped Rake

Just wondering if they still make these? I've been looking online and can't seem to find them anywhere, did they stop making them?


  • Hi Brian,

    I can't recall the name of the tool manufacturer that sells this rake, but I've reached out to the team to see if they can hunt it down.   Stay tuned!

  • Brian, Wire Wrapped Clay Tool 10-1/2 '' #204 $24.00 are sold at Sculpture House / The Compleat Sculptor New York 
    Regards, Sean Dalton 
  • Brian, Wire Wrapped Clay Tool 10-1/2 '' #204 $24.00 are sold at Sculpture House / The Compleat Sculptor New York 
    Regards, Sean Dalton 
    Awesome! thank you both! I also found them at Sculpture Depot and have ordered a couple, will also bookmark Sculpture House for future reference... thank you.
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