Voodoo fox costume

What you see before you is a hand crafted realistic fox mask with a few secrets...
The base is a rotary cast resin form, pulled from a platinum cure silicone mold, created from a clay sculpt. The jawset is created the same as the face, then hand painted and sealed. The jaw is articulated and opens via the wearers own jaw.
Hand cast acrylic eyes have been painted and illuminated by pigmented LED's. They were then inset for a 'following' effect.
Once cast, cut, and assembled, the head is then furred in a 3 inch pile faux fur and trimmed by hand to the appropriate lengths and blended into the exposed resin. The fleshy lip is sculpted and fur is micro-wafted around the edges for blending as well. Whiskers were the final wefts to be put into place.
The ears are a semi rigid form that flexes as real cartilage does. Longer wefts are inserted for added realism.
Airbrushing brings the pelt coloration to life, and a black light phosphorous/glow pigment is applied for Voodoo's unearthly secret...
A short video can be seen here:
I give you.. Voodoo...