my spring bonnie cosplay. His mouth moves with my own, the entire body is detailed and airbrushed to reflect weathering and details from both the movie and the game, there are many technical parts and the head itself has 4 individual hinges, all modelled by me. The ears bounce with each step and the stomach hatch opens as well to reveal components inside made to represent the game and it's interior details with the suit. Not only that, but the eyes light up and i stand at almost 8 feet tall in the costume. The feet are stilts, lifting my height a whole 7 inches, and the head being placed above my own stands at about 2 feet above my own head. This costume was elaborately crafted over the course of a year, with intense attention to detail and very many components inspired by not only the character, but his story. This design is my own unique one, a combination of every design made of the character put together to create one suit.