Springtrap Fnaf
This is my Springtrap cosplay i spent this year working on!
The head base and jaw is 3d printed so i could have the most accurate shape of his head since it was so specific. The eye lids have a mechanism i designed so i can "blink" when i open the jaw or as in the first picture stare wide open. I designed the eyes so there is a hole where the iris should be, this way i was able to sculpt the inside eye color and pour resin over it so it has depth. I then proceeded to drill a hole from the back of the eye to install a small LED light so they give light!
The body, arms, hand palms, waist, legs and feet are allmade out of 5mm EVA foam, i tried to design it closely to the original design.
The fingers are also 3d printed, i designed those so i coould put my fingers in the seperate pieces and then added a spring powered extension to each finger so i could still curl up my fingers and they wouldnt look so stiff.
The entire suit is coated with a greenish furr which i dirtied up with dry brushing black acrilyc over it and then i tried to simulate water damage with brown oil paint over the edges. The inside of the suit is painted metalic so it really looked like a metal prison.

The head base and jaw is 3d printed so i could have the most accurate shape of his head since it was so specific. The eye lids have a mechanism i designed so i can "blink" when i open the jaw or as in the first picture stare wide open. I designed the eyes so there is a hole where the iris should be, this way i was able to sculpt the inside eye color and pour resin over it so it has depth. I then proceeded to drill a hole from the back of the eye to install a small LED light so they give light!
The body, arms, hand palms, waist, legs and feet are allmade out of 5mm EVA foam, i tried to design it closely to the original design.
The fingers are also 3d printed, i designed those so i coould put my fingers in the seperate pieces and then added a spring powered extension to each finger so i could still curl up my fingers and they wouldnt look so stiff.
The entire suit is coated with a greenish furr which i dirtied up with dry brushing black acrilyc over it and then i tried to simulate water damage with brown oil paint over the edges. The inside of the suit is painted metalic so it really looked like a metal prison.

because I want to have my own cosplay and for my youtube