Any LAB TECHNICIANS in an Art Department here know the solution to this problem? See that blue silicone mold by Smooth-On? Well, my Lab gang at IMAGINATION WORKSHOP STUDIO needs to make a silicone mold or two of this set piece (the 2 photographs pictured) to cast many (10-20) for a real-world "used-look" of mesh flooring inside of a space freighter for a proof of concept short film sequence. To solve the problem of not needing thousands of dollars casting hundreds of these things we're going to use a gigantic mirror to give the illusion of the corridor looking like it's a mile long. An old trick I learned from a Production Designer Peter Lamont in England that worked on the movie ALIENS (1986). Pure Genius. 

My advice would be to laser cut or CNC cut sheets of acrylic into strips, each with notches that are half the strip deep. When combined they would form your grid. The ends of each strip could have a tab that inserts into an outer border strip that has slits in it that correspond to the tabs.
Otherwise, you could make a large silicone block mold of your original part and cast copies that way, if you feel you could not get the desired result using laser/CNC, cut pieces.