My Little Buddy - Character Contest Submission
Video of My Little Buddy in action:
This is an original animatronic character with about a dozen motors. Full articulation in both arms (shoulders and elbows in all their natural directions) and full articulation in the neck. It was tricky trying to find a power-source for all that!
It took several iterations to make an armature that wouldn’t break itself when the motors turned.
You might notice it kinda looks like it could be Chucky’s little brother. That’s what I was going for, a baby-doll in the Chucky family.
Completely original sculpt, all the outward-appearing pieces were sculpted in Nomad Sculpt and the inner armature was designed in Fusion360 and 3d printed. The hair was plucked from a clown from outer space— Just kidding! I got the hair from an orange wig.
The whole build took about 2 months start-to-finish, not counting the initial neck tests. I think those tests were another 2 months before that.
Had a lot of fun! Couldn’t have done it without the animatronic tutorials from the Stan Winston school website! Thanks!
The whole build took about 2 months start-to-finish, not counting the initial neck tests. I think those tests were another 2 months before that.
Had a lot of fun! Couldn’t have done it without the animatronic tutorials from the Stan Winston school website! Thanks!