
Meet Ian.
Ian has worked at the post office for 35 years.
Once every 3 months Ian pays an extortionate fee to attend the only local swingers club that accepts single men.
Loves cottage cheese, the daily crossword, and being pansexual. Hates rude customers. Single by choice.
Tattoo was a drunken choice during a short stint as a sailor, back before the post office life chose him.
Have also included a chavant diorama of Ian at his first swingers event. He's a little embarrassed cause he wasn't sure if he should take his loafers off.
Here's a link to a little video of Ian https://youtube.com/shorts/KfRs4-J55WM?feature=share You can check out some process pics on my instagram @katiebinionsart. Thanks for reading!!
Created with love on the Odyssey Studios creative sculpting course in Ireland! Ian is made from PU resin with a foam core, originally sculpted in WED clay. Also had the help of some brilliant videos from the Stan Winston school to guide me along the way, especially when it came to making mini Ian.

Have also included a chavant diorama of Ian at his first swingers event. He's a little embarrassed cause he wasn't sure if he should take his loafers off.
Here's a link to a little video of Ian https://youtube.com/shorts/KfRs4-J55WM?feature=share You can check out some process pics on my instagram @katiebinionsart. Thanks for reading!!
Created with love on the Odyssey Studios creative sculpting course in Ireland! Ian is made from PU resin with a foam core, originally sculpted in WED clay. Also had the help of some brilliant videos from the Stan Winston school to guide me along the way, especially when it came to making mini Ian.

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