Baby Werewolf

A silicone baby werewolf puppet
Movement Video
Sculpted digitally then printed, moulded , cast , painted and hair punched by yours truly!
Post edited by JL_sfx on


  • This is great work! Truly great and ripe for storytelling!

    Also, your positivity and commenting on everyone's work is awesome! Thank you for that part, sincerely, as sharing this sort of work is difficult for me and I really appreciate your kind words.
  • I love your work so much, Jess!     Turns out you and I are in  a creative Facebook group together where I saw  your baby werewolf the other   day and was so impressed.     I absolutely love it -  amazing work!
  • This is great work! Truly great and ripe for storytelling!

    Also, your positivity and commenting on everyone's work is awesome! Thank you for that part, sincerely, as sharing this sort of work is difficult for me and I really appreciate your kind words.
    Thank you so much that means a lot!! 

    And thank you for sharing your work!! I am constantly inspired and amazed by all the creativity here! You should have no fear sharing your work as it is fantastic!!! You produce such unique pieces and your concepts and execution are so admirable ! Keep sharing It with the world !!

  • I love your work so much, Jess!     Turns out you and I are in  a creative Facebook group together where I saw  your baby werewolf the other   day and was so impressed.     I absolutely love it -  amazing work!

    What a small world! Thank you so much for your kind words it is incredibly inspiring to me! I plan to continue making creatures and hopefully each one continues to be better than the last!

  • OMG! This is amazing and adorable. I wanna cuddle it! <3
  • The design and movement are so good! Nice job.
  • OMG! This is amazing and adorable. I wanna cuddle it! <3
    Awww thank you so so much!
  • The design and movement are so good! Nice job.
    Thank you so much!!! I'd love to eventually implement more but I do feel like the minimal approach works quite nicely with this design too!
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