Annoyed about gelatin recipes

I want to get it off my chest. I've been watching a  lot of videos about gelatin recipes. And the fact that people are confused about adding yeast to a gelatin mixture. 
The fact is you just can't add yeast alone to the mixture. There are videos on making "elephant toothpaste" that combines dish soap, hydrogen peroxide and diluted yeast that creates a reaction of fast rising foam from a beaker.
When foaming gelatin is made the combination of glycerin and sorbitol and gelatin together needs a reacting agent of peroxide to help create the oxidation of the foam once yeast is added to the heated mixture, hence "elephant toothpaste" in a gelatin form. The sorbitol is for the rigidity and firmness once gelatin cools down.
 This formula I think is way more stable than in combining simple baking soda and an acid like cream of tartar or citric acid, which gives off too many bubbles in the mix.
I'm sorry, that it just annoys me when you're told to put yeast to a gelatin mixture and you get nothing. I just experiment with the stuff and I want to pass along my thoughts. 
I bought Michael Davys kit years ago and seen everything about this process and wanted to go the cheaper route and came about this attempt. I'll probably get static and some criticism about this little speech. My name is Marc B and that's my story. 


  • I imagine there would also be a challenge of not killing the yeast, as molten gelatin can be quite hot.

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