Mask Mold with undercuts advice.
Hello! Newbie here having a lot of fun and learning a lot. I am making a mask that I want to cast either in latex or silicone. I made my own core and started sculpting with nsp clay, still blocking it out. I want to make the mold in stone but there are some deep undercuts(i think??). I'm not sure how to proceed. Change the design, two part mold(can I avoid seams?) Or silicone which id like to avoid for now. I'm mostly learning procedures and materials while trying to keep it somehow low budget! Thanks in advance!
I've attached pics of the sculpt and the core.
I've attached pics of the sculpt and the core.
Keep in mind that once you cast latex in that mold you can not use it for casting platinum silicone, as the latex residue will contaminate the silicone and prevent it from curing. So if you want to try both, try silicone first.
Thank you!