The Witch's Oath

Sculpted with MonsterClay medium
Size : 7.8 x 4.7 in
"Some fates are more cruel than others.
Mabel, a lively young witch eager to marry her beloved at last, tried to cast a spell that would enable her to transform into a bird and meet her love faster. Unfortunately, in her haste, something went wrong and the spell failed, leaving her body half-transformed, twisted. Her mind, tormented. Her memory... erased. All except the face of her love, and the hope of seeing him again one day to finally seal their oath.
Driven by her instincts, her heart, and by that look, that face that even magic can't seem to erase, she wanders through this dark forest, forever unknown, in search of the silent, secret grove where they were meant to meet to celebrate their union... 95 years ago.
Some fates are more cruel than others..."